Raging Starfire

by Rhapsody Of Fire

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:38 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


The Frozen Tears Of Angels

Song Author

Luca Turilli

Tabbed by



1st → Lead Guitar
2nd → Bass
3rd → Rhythm Guitar
4th → Keyboard
5th → Guitar Harmony
6th → Vocal
7th → Strings
8th → Drums
9th → Back Vocals

File Size

124 KB




In the win-ter night a lone-ly wolf de-fying the cold-ness I re-call his force to face the long way to the north Clash of the thun-ders, might of the star-lords Rage of the ice storm, wrath of the gods For a new le-gend dra-gons and an-gels will storm the dark-lord qua-king his world The sa-cred flames of hea-ven, for-got-ten winds of war Ce-le-stial wide ho-ri-zons, new gol-den ri-sing dawns The em-brace of ice and snow could stop the bra-vest war-rior but their thirst for just-ice still and more will warm our soul Clash of the thun-ders, might of the star-lords Rage of the ice storm, wrath of the gods For a new le-gend dra-gons and an-gels will storm the dark-lord qua-king his world The sa-cred flames of hea-ven, for-got-ten winds of war Ce-le-stial wide ho-ri-zons, new gol-den ri-sing dawns Ra-ging wild di-vine star-fi-re burn dark worlds of ice and snow Ra-ging wild di-vine star-f-ire fates co-lide in your great source wild im-mor-tal force Clash of the thun-ders, might of the star-lords Rage of the ice storm, wrath of the gods For a new le-gend dra-gons and an-gels will storm the dark-lord qua-king his world The sa-cred flames of hea-ven, for-got-ten winds of war Ce-le-stial wide ho-ri-zons, new gol-den ri-sing dawns Ra-ging wild di-vine star-fi-re burn dark worlds of ice and snow Ra-ging wild di-vine star-fi-re fates co-lide in your great source wild im-mor-tal force Ra-ging wild di-vine star-fi-re burn dark worlds of ice and snow Ra-ging wild di-vine star-fi-re fates co-lide in your great source wild im-mor-tal force